Future Power Now: Prayer in the Kingdom

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3. Pray as an Adventurer

I believe the church today in the United States has for the most part lost this Biblical sense of adventure. It has lost its willingness to face challenges in the name of kingdom advance….. We have become so accustomed to money and technology eliminating challenges that we have lost sight of the Biblical challenges before us. And in many ways the church and its leadership have affirmed this mentality. We have become so enamored with the experience of a foretaste of glory that we barely yearn for the eschatological glory to come. Furthermore, having our desire for eschatological glory dulled, we are no longer willing to suffer the challenges involved in Biblical adventure, which has been relegated to the work of cross-cultural missionaries. I don’t mean all such missionaries–just the ones who work in primitive conditions. These are considered to be the true adventurers of the church. But God calls all his people to engage in this adventure.


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